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Yahoo opens search toolkit in quest for more ads

(AP) — Having fallen so far behind Google Inc. that it became a takeover target, Yahoo Inc. is banking on the creativity of other Web developers to help preserve its independence and regain ground in the lucrative Internet search advertising market.

Yahoo will try to unleash the pent-up innovation Thursday with a new service called “Build Your Own Search,” or BOSS, that will share the Sunnyvale-based company’s technology with third parties.

That means any Web site will be able to assemble a search engine using Yahoo’s system for indexing information and images on the Internet. Yahoo figures plenty of Web developers will be interested because it’s providing access to a set of tools that would cost more than $300 million to build from scratch.

All Yahoo will seek in return is the right to display ads alongside the results of any search engine that piggybacks on its technology. That way, Yahoo figures it will lessen Google’s dominance.
